The Monthly



Monday:  Ladies Bridge afternoon 1:00 pm
Texas Hold ’em tournament 6:30 pm
Elks Night  (Lodge meetings are 8:00 pm, the 2nd and 4th Thursday of Each Month)
Drawings at 8:00 pm
Lounge is normally closed.
On the third Saturday of each month: there is a poker tournament in the afternoon at 1:30 PM. See Sid for details.
Lounge is closed.

Online Calendar - COMING SOON

Member Updates

It’s Calendar time again!

The Ohio Elks Buckeye Bucks calendars are available behind the bar. They make for awesome Christmas gifts. Our lodge had three winners just last month.

Here’s the drill. You get 730 chances to win between $50 and $500. The best part is you don’t need to keep track of anything. If you are a winner the money is sent to your home automatically. They are only $20 and our lodge gets to keep $5 of that. The other money goes to the OEA for all of the great work they do. The number on the calendar (or card) is tied to the Ohio Lottery Pick 4 contest. If that number is selected, you are a winner! Be popular at Christmas time!

Join the Thursday Night club!

We have many numbers available for you or your spouse. Yes, your spouse! It has been decided that you may purchase numbers for your spouse so they can also participate in the Thursday night club drawings and the Prime rib dinner/reverse raffle on election night. 51 chances a year to win $100, a free dinner, and an opportunity to win big money- all this for just $1 a week! 

Have your name on a brick at the Lodge

Here is your chance to support the Elks and have your name around the building forever! Remember when we sold paver bricks to raise money for the building way back when? Well they have now been installed in front of the building by the flagpoles. They look amazing come and check them out. We are now accepting new paver orders so you can get your name etched in immortality. The cost is only $150. Here is the form to fill out and send in with your check. Lets fill up that area!

The GazElk is a weekly email newsletter written by the Lodge Secretary Jeff Jenson.
Important details & links from the newsletter can be found here

Ladies Bridge League

The Ladies Bridge league plays Mondays at 1:00 pm in the lounge. If you have questions contact Cindy Fitzpatrick.  

Poker Tournament

On the third Saturday of each month there is a poker tournament in the afternoon. $40 Buy In – $10 Bounty.  Starting time is 1:30 PM. See Sid for details.

Banquet Hall

Would you like to rent our banquet hall or do you know someone who else who does?
Click Here to learn more about the hall, then fill out the form at the bottom of the page to request a quote or additional information. 
Banquet Hall shown by appointment.